Book review: When Life Doesn't Match Your Dreams

When Life Doesn't Match Your Dreams
by Jill Eileen Smith

   Life is full of twists and turns. Relationships falter, careers fizzle, health fades. We may be faced with choices we never wanted to make or have situations pushed upon us we'd never expected. Yet, in all of it, God is at our side--even when he feels far away.
   Drawing on her extensive research into women of the Old Testament, novelist Jill Eileen Smith turns her pen to the lessons in trusting God that we can learn today from women like

- Eve
- Noah's wife
- Sarai
- Hagar
- Lot's wife
- Rebekah
- Rachel
- and more

   Readers will learn from what these ancient women did right--and even what they did wrong--when faced with dashed expectations and deferred dreams. And they'll come away with the confidence that ours is a faithful God who loves us and is forming us through our trials into the women he longs for us to be. (From Amazon)

I thought that it was really cool how the author, Jill Eileen Smith, weaved biblical based fiction into her Christian living nonfiction book. She, obviously, had to take some liberties with the fiction parts, but they didn't feel fake or far fetched. It was very clear, during the nonfiction sections, that the struggles that the author addressed were very real in her own life, which made the whole book feel more personal. I really liked this book and it will definitely be put on my "to be read again" shelf! :)
{Find this book HERE!}


*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher (Revell) in exchange for an honest review.


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