Book Review: Breaking the Power of Negative Words

Breaking the Power of Negative Words
by Mary C. Busha

   The spoken word has immense potential for either building up or tearing down. Too often, it's the latter. Many of us are daily carrying around hurtful words, sometimes without even knowing it. These negative words have great influence over our lives and the lives of those around us. But thankfully, they are not the last word.
   Mary Busha speaks to the hurting and guides them toward victory over the harmful, demeaning, or insulting words of their past. She shows readers how to

- understand the emotions and circumstances behind the words
- choose to want to forgive their offenders
- embrace the truth about who they are created to be
- recognize the effect of both negative and positive self-talk
- pray effectively to break the power of negative words
- and walk in the freedom God provides in his Word

   She also encourages readers to find ways to use their own words to lift up the people God places in their paths.

This was a very good look at words: those spoken to us, those we speak to others, and the words we speak to ourselves. "Keep in mind that what you say to others today would influence them for years to come, maybe for the rest of their lives."
   Mary Busha uses scripture and practical life examples to show us the power of words and remind us that our words really do matter.
   She also addressed the subject of forgiveness. A topic that can be challenging, but brings freedom and joy when practiced. {Find this book HERE!}


*I received a free copy of this book from the publisher (Revell) in exchange for an honest review.


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