Book Review: 10 choices successful couples make

10 Choices Successful Couples Make
by Dr. Ron Welch

Most books on marriage rightly address communication and conflict as key issues, then advise readers on how to fight fair since conflict is an inevitable reality and cannot be avoided. But Dr. Ron Welch asks the provocative question, Is it? Is every marriage doomed to one conflict after another? Shouldn't we expect better than that?
   In this practical and encouraging book, Welch offers a far more positive approach to marriage, outlining 10 specific choices couples can make to minimize or even avoid conflict and increase joy. With his expert guidance, couples will learn how to employ proven strategies to
         - communicate accurately and positively
         - choose forgiveness over unforgiveness
         - understand their marriage type
         - and make decisions more effectively
   Whether they are engaged, newly married, or have been married for decades, couples will find that this book will transform their relationship. (From Amazon)

   “The tragedy is that many couples don’t pay attention to their marriage until it is broken.”
   This quote is taken from Dr. Ron Welch in his book 10 Choices Successful Couples Make. This book is a comprehensive look at decisions spouses can make to build a strong, lasting marriage. The ideas are basic and fundamental to a healthy thriving marriage. Each chapter contains exercises that a couple can work through together to practice what they have just read. Dr. Welch is very easy to understand, and he is very practical in his approach.
   If I had one criticism, it is the lack of Bible in this book. He does state from the beginning that this book is written so that believers and non-believers could gain from it. It is true he has helpful truths, most of them based on Bible themes. However, I believe the foundation of a healthy marriage is prayer and Bible. God designed marriage to reflect Christ’s love for the church.
   If you read the book with the understanding that God is the ultimate source for strength and unity in your marriage, I believe this book contains many helpful truths and foundational truths to a healthy, thriving marriage. His final sentence sums it up: “Make the decision to write a new chapter in the great story of your lives and choose to love each other forever.”

{Find this book here!}


*I received this book for free from the publisher (Revell) in exchange for an honest review.


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